Amplify the good.


Hi, I’m Zach.

I use proven copywriting, content marketing, and brand messaging strategies to help purpose-driven companies and social entrepreneurs raise awareness, inspire action, and scale their impact.

That could involve things like boosting traffic to your website, building trust with past and potential donors, and modeling your theory of change in order to clarify your message and simplify your marketing strategy.


When you want to make an impact, I can help you discover your story and share it with the world.

I’ve always been a sucker for a good story, so I started writing pretty seriously on my own in college. While I was earning my bachelor’s in Philosophy and master’s in Economics, I built a successful freelance copywriting business on the side. 

But when I would send my clients a deliverable and watch it go to waste, I knew I wanted to be more than “just a writer.” 

That’s when I decided to learn about marketing strategy.


Even the most powerful words aren’t compelling if you don’t know how to use them.

While I was studying how communication really works, I saw all these “tips” that even the experts were throwing around. Start a blog! Facebook ads! SEO! Keywords!

Publishing a blog is great — but does the content really solve your readers’ pain points? Are your emails actually building loyalty with your audience? Are your keywords alone really going to get you to the first page of Google?

As I worked with more and more businesses, the answer usually turned out to be… probably not.


I tie effective marketing strategies back to your social impact goals.

During a year-long social enterprise fellowship with CiviCO and the Barton Institute for Community Action in Denver, Colorado, I learned the ins and outs of how mission-driven businesses operate and the challenges they face along the way.

Instead of putting content out there because they’re “supposed to,” I wanted to teach social enterprises and purpose-driven companies like yours how to tell a story that makes a difference and gets results!

And now I want to help you, too.

Learn more about how we can work together